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Guatemala is a developing country characterized by wide income disparities. Violent crime is a serious concern due to endemic poverty, an abundance of weapons, a legacy of societal violence, and weak law enforcement and judicial systems. Spanish is the official and most commonly spoken language. Guatemala’s terrain ranges from hilly and volcanic to coastal beaches and tropical jungles. The climate is dependent on elevation with the major cities located at higher elevations enjoying spring-like temperatures year round, while the low-lying coastal areas and the Petén region are hot and humid. The dry season runs mid-November through mid-May and the rainy season runs from mid-May through mid-November. Geological faults run through the country and tremors are common, as are eruptions from several active volcanos.

Given its Mayan history and culture, volcanos, and beaches, Guatemala is a popular tourist destination, and the country has accommodations ranging from backpacking and eco-tourism hotels to higher-end luxury resorts; however, support infrastructure is still basic. There is a highway network that spans the country from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts and also a north-south highway on the Pacific side of the country. These highways are frequently closed due to landslides, accidents, protests, and repairs. Streets in most cities are in decent condition but large potholes and sinkholes are common. They often appear suddenly, especially during rainy season. For the most part, rural roads are unpaved.

Public transportation is unreliable and often unsafe. Emergency services are sporadic, and most hospitals do not meet U.S. standards. Tourists may want to obtain information from the Tourist Assistance Office (PROATUR) of INGUAT (the Guatemalan Tourism Institute) at 7a Avenida 1-17. Zona 4, Centro Civico, Guatemala City or visit INGUAT’s web site.

Please read the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Guatemala for additional information on U.S.– Guatemala relations.

Guatemala Flag

Population: 17,915,568

Total Land Area: 107,160 km2

Population/km2: 167.19