The Visa Experts


Niger is a developing, landlocked African nation whose northern expanse includes the Sahara Desert.  Tourist facilities are minimal, particularly outside the capital city, Niamey, and the ancient caravan city of Agadez.  Visitors should be aware of the ongoing terrorist and kidnapping for ransom threats in Niger as well as the presence of landmines in the region of Agadez.  Conditions of insecurity persist in the northern and western portions of Niger, particularly along the porous border between Niger and Mali, as well as eastern parts of Niger along the border of Nigeria around Diffa.  French is the official language; English is not widely used.  Read the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Niger for additional information on U.S.-Niger relations.

Niger Flag

Population: 24,206,644

Total Land Area: 1,266,700 km2

Population/km2: 19.11