The Visa Experts

South Africa

South Africa is a parliamentary democracy and is, in many respects, a developed country, although much of its population lives in poverty.  All major urban areas have modern, world-class hotels and tourist facilities. Game parks and areas most often visited by tourists have a wide range of facilities.  Food and water are generally safe, and a wide variety of consumer goods and pharmaceuticals is readily available. The capital is Pretoria, while the seat of parliament is located in Cape Town. Johannesburg is the financial capital and largest city in South Africa. Durban is home to Africa’s busiest port and is the number one domestic tourist destination for South Africans. Read the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on South Africa for additional information on U.S.- South Africa relations.

South Africa Flag

Population: 59,308,690

Total Land Area: 1,213,090 km2

Population/km2: 48.89