The Visa Experts


Mozambique is a developing country in southern Africa that has been steadily rebuilding its economy and civic institutions since ending a 16-year civil war in 1992. The country stabilized following Mozambique's first multi-party elections in October 1994, and the current president was reelected in October 2009. The latest presidential elections took place on October 15, 2014. The new president is expected to take office in January 2015.  Despite high economic growth rates in recent years, Mozambique remains among the world's poorest countries. Facilities for tourism in Maputo, the capital city, are steadily improving but remain limited in other areas. Many goods and services have extremely limited availability. The official language is Portuguese, although English is spoken in many tourist areas, and in some rural areas only local languages are widely spoken. Read the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Mozambique for additional information on U.S. - Mozambique relations.

Mozambique Flag

Population: 31,255,435

Total Land Area: 786,380 km2

Population/km2: 39.75