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Sudan is a diverse, developing country in northeastern Africa. The capital city is Khartoum. In July 2011, Sudan divided into two nations as a part of a peace agreement signed in 2005. The new nation of South Sudan was formed following a referendum on secession held in January 2011. A multi-party conflict continues in the Darfur region in western Sudan and in the states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Violence in the nation of South Sudan inhibits land travel across Sudan’s southern border. Transportation networks and other forms of infrastructure are poor and do not meet western standards. Even where available, water and electric services suffer frequent outages. Read the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Sudan for additional information on U.S.- Sudan relations.

Sudan Flag

Population: 43,849,260

Total Land Area: 1,765,048 km2

Population/km2: 24.84