The Visa Experts

Local Laws

CRIMINAL PENALTIES: While you are traveling in Hungary, you are subject to its laws. Foreign laws and legal systems can be vastly different from our own. Criminal penalties vary from country to country. Persons violating Hungarian laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Hungary are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.

There are also some things that might be legal in the country you visit, but still illegal in the United States. You can be prosecuted in the United States for engaging in sexual conduct with children or for using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country regardless of the legality of these activities under that country’s laws. Counterfeit and pirated goods are illegal in the United States and if you purchase them in a foreign country, you may be breaking local law as well.

You should carry your passport with you at all times. Hungarian law requires all visitors to carry their passports; a photocopy of the passport is not a valid substitute. You may be taken in for questioning if you don’t have your passport with you. Since expert pickpockets frequent tourist areas and train stations, please keep your passport in a safe place. Hungary has a “zero tolerance” policy on drinking and driving. You should not drive after drinking, regardless of the amount of alcohol you have consumed. If you break local laws in Hungary, your U.S. passport won’t help you avoid arrest or prosecution.

Arrest notifications in host country: While some countries will automatically notify the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate if a U.S. citizen is detained or arrested in that country, others may not. To ensure that the United States is aware of your circumstances, request that the police and prison officials notify the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate as soon as you are arrested or detained overseas.

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Traveler’s checks are not universally accepted in Hungary. ATMs are readily-available. Western Union is the most prevalent international money transfer company and has hundreds of locations throughout Hungary.

Hungary’s custom authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Hungary of firearms, antiquities, prescription medications, and other items. You should contact the Hungarian Embassy in Washington or one of Hungary’s consulates in either New York or Los Angeles for specific information regarding customs. You can also visit National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary website.

WOMEN TRAVELER INFORMATION: If you are a woman traveling abroad please review our travel tips for Women Travelers.

LGBT RIGHTS: There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBT events in Hungary. Provisions of a new criminal code prohibit certain forms of hate speech and prescribe increased punishments for violence committed against members of the LGBT community when anti-LGBT bias is a motivating factor. Societal pressures however continue to make association with an LGBT identity difficult, but the government has stated its commitment to protecting LGBT rights and does recognize same sex partnerships, although not same sex marriages. For more detailed information about LGBT rights in Hungary you may review the State Department’s annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. For further information on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) travel, please read our LGBT Travel Information page.

ACCESSIBILITY: Individuals with disabilities may find accessibility and accommodation very different from the United States. Although Hungarian law requires all government buildings to be accessible to persons with disabilities, these regulations have only been in force during the last decade and many older buildings and areas are still not accessible. The accessibility of private buildings, restaurants, and hotels varies widely.

Buses, trams, subways, and railroads provide reliable transportation in cities and throughout the country, but lack the most basic facilities and equipment for disabled access. Although there are plans to upgrade municipal bus fleets, currently most buses, trams, and metro stations are not equipped with lifts for travelers with disabilities. Taxis are a good means of transportation. 

Local Laws Flag

Population: 9,660,351

Total Land Area: 90,530 km2

Population/km2: 106.71