The Visa Experts

Local Laws

CRIMINAL PENALTIES: While you are traveling in Finland, you are subject to its laws even if you are a U.S. citizen. Foreign laws and legal systems can be vastly different than our own.

There are also some things that might be legal in the country you visit, but still illegal in the United States; for instance, you can be prosecuted under U.S. law if you buy pirated goods. Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime prosecutable in the United States. If you break local laws in Finland, your U.S. passport won’t help you avoid arrest or prosecution. It’s very important to know what’s legal and what’s not wherever you go.

While some countries will automatically notify the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate if a U.S. citizen is detained or arrested in a foreign country, that might not always be the case. To ensure that the United States is aware of your circumstances, request that the police and prison officials notify the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate as soon as you are arrested or detained overseas.

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Commercial and financial transactions in Finland are increasingly automated and on-line. Cash is almost always acceptable (the currency is the euro), but most major credit cards are widely accepted. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are very common and many U.S.-issued bankcards are compatible with them. We are not aware of any special currency or customs circumstances for this country.

If you are a woman traveling abroad, please review our travel tips on the Women Travelers page on

LGBT RIGHTS: There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) events in Finland.  For more detailed information about LGBT rights in Finland, you may review the State Department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013.  For further information on LGBT travel, please read our LGBT travel information page.

ACCESSIBILITY: While in Finland, individuals with disabilities may find accessibility and accommodation very different from what is found in the United States. Many older buildings as well as some public transportation systems are less adapted to individuals with disabilities. You should check ahead with your hotel/destination to learn more about options to accommodate disabled traveler needs before visiting Finland.

Laws mandating access to buildings for persons with disabilities are generally enforced, but many older buildings remain inaccessible. Most forms of public transportation are accessible, but geographically isolated areas can be especially problematic for travelers with disabilities. Call ahead to restaurants, museums, and other facilities to find out if they are wheelchair-accessible.  Assistance for train travelers is available at most stations, but must be requested in advance. For more information, visit the Finnish National Tourist Board’s website.

Local Laws Flag

Population: 5,540,720

Total Land Area: 303,890 km2

Population/km2: 18.23