The Visa Experts


Cameroon is a developing country in central Africa that offers many natural and cultural attractions, but lacks modern tourism facilities. The busy port and commercial center of Douala, its largest city, contrasts with the relative calm of inland Yaoundé, the capital. Cameroon is officially bilingual. French dominates as the language of education and government in all regions except the Southwest and Northwest, where English is widely spoken. Most educated people and staff at major hotels speak both languages. In February 2008, social and political discord led to civil unrest; however, since that time the country has experienced relative stability and peace. Crime continues to be a significant concern throughout Cameroon. Cameroon held elections for its senate, legislature, and municipalities in 2013 without incident. For general information on U.S.-Cameroon relations, read the Department of State Fact Sheet on Cameroon.

Cameroon Flag

Population: 26,545,863

Total Land Area: 472,710 km2

Population/km2: 56.16