The Visa Experts

Safety and Security

Please see the sections on “Local Laws and Special Circumstances” and “Criminal Penalties.” 

 To stay connected:

CRIME: North Korea does not release crime statistics.  Petty thefts have been reported at the airport in Pyongyang.

Do not buy counterfeit and/or pirated goods, even if they are widely available.  The purchase of counterfeit and pirated goods is illegal in the United States and may be illegal in North Korea.

VICTIMS OF CRIME: If you or someone you know becomes the victim of a crime while in North Korea, you should report the crime to your local host/liaison and contact the Embassy of Sweden for assistance.  Your local host/liaison should contact the local authorities on your behalf.

 Please see our information for victims of crime, including possible victim compensation programs in the United States.

Emergency Services:  If you require emergency medical services, you should inform your North Korean escorts and the Embassy of Sweden.  Please see the section above on " Victims of Crime."  You are encouraged to carry photocopies of your passport data and photo pages with you at all times so that you have evidence of your U.S. citizenship readily available.  

Safety and Security Flag

Population: 25,778,816

Total Land Area: 120,410 km2

Population/km2: 214.09